In March of 2022 and August of 2023, I spent some time traveling and working in Iceland. Himinn is collection of photographs taken during my time there, with a particular focus on the sky.

The Icelandic landscape affords unimpeded views of the sky from essentially anywhere on the island. These views, combined with the rapid shifts in weather happening year-round, created a daily drama that captivated me during my travels there. Printed on a parchment-like paper in risofederal blue, the imagery becomes mottled and cloud-like. 

Himinn is one of several Icelandic words for sky, but in some instances  also translates to the word heaven.

Photographs from the following locations: Reykjavík, Reynisfjara, Skagaströnd, Seyðisfjörður, and the Krossnesslaug swimming pool in the Westfjords.

Special thanks to the NES Artist Residency for time and space to work, and the Purdue Knowledge Lab for the use of the riso.